Desigining Admin Dashboard like Ilyn

Tamjid Mostafa

Tamjid Mostafa

ยท 3 min read

Designing a backend dashboard CMS for a website like "" involves focusing on key functionalities to manage the content and operations effectively. Here's an approach for the design:

User Interface:

  1. Clean and Intuitive Design: Similar to the website's frontend, the dashboard should have a user-friendly interface.
  2. Navigation Menu: Include a sidebar or top navigation for easy access to different sections (Products, Orders, Customers, etc.).

Core Functionalities:

  1. Product Management:
    • Add, edit, and delete products.
    • Manage product details like images, descriptions, prices, and categories.
    • Stock management for tracking inventory.
  2. Order Management:
    • View and manage customer orders.
    • Update order statuses (processing, shipped, delivered).
    • Handle returns and refunds.
  3. Customer Management:
    • View and manage customer profiles.
    • Track customer orders and preferences.
  4. Content Management:
    • Manage content for static pages like 'About Us', 'Contact', and blog posts.
    • SEO settings for each page or product.
  5. Analytics and Reporting:
    • Dashboard for sales, traffic, and other key metrics.
    • Generate reports for sales, inventory, and customer insights.
  6. Marketing and Promotions:
    • Manage promotional banners or featured products.
    • Email marketing integration for campaigns and newsletters.
  7. Settings and Configurations:
    • Manage general settings like payment gateways, shipping options, taxes.
    • User roles and permissions for staff access control.

Security and Performance:

  1. Security Measures: Implement role-based access, secure login, and data encryption.
  2. Performance Optimization: Ensure the dashboard is optimized for performance, especially in loading and processing large amounts of data.

Technology Stack (Suggestion):

  • Backend Framework: Node.js with Express.js.
  • Frontend Framework: React.js or Angular for a dynamic and responsive interface.
  • Database: SQL (e.g., PostgreSQL) or NoSQL (e.g., MongoDB), depending on data structure needs.
  • Hosting: Cloud solutions like AWS or Azure for scalability.


The key is to provide a comprehensive yet straightforward management system that aligns with the website's operations. The focus should be on efficiency, ease of use, and scalability, ensuring that the dashboard enhances the operational workflow.

Tamjid Mostafa

About Tamjid Mostafa

#coding, #youtube, #webdevelopment, #contentcreation, and #fullstackwebdeveloper, weaving together my diverse interests. I'm currently embarking on an exciting journey at Mediaslide as a Fron End Developer. ๐Ÿ’ป๐ŸŒŸ